DLSMC takes pride for Dr. Nilo C. De Los Santos’ forthcoming chairmanship at the Philippine Board of Surgery Inc. for the year 2024

Jan 5, 2024

DLSMC takes pride in Dr. Nilo C. De Los Santos’ chairmanship at the Philippine Board of Surgery Inc. for the year 2024.

The Philippine Board of Surgery (PBS) is a voluntary organization that gives certifying examinations to surgeons who have completed their general surgery training. For 2024, our Vice President for Medical Affairs and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Nilo C. De Los Santos, took his post as the new chair of the organization.

As the only certifying body in the Philippines, PBS prepares the written examinations and oral modules for the candidates which they have to pass to be called ‘Diplomates’ of the organization.

Aside from the diplomate exam, the PBS also gives Residency In-Service Training (RIT). It is a written examination for all the trainees of general surgery in the Philippines. This assessment aims to inspect the competency of the trainees to determine whether or not they could be promoted as surgical residents.

DLSMC celebrates your new achievement, Dr. Nilo! We are proud of you!